Carriers of God’s favour flourish despite famine. They watch out for light and strategies from heaven. FAVOUR WITH GOD MEANS: 1. To be in relationship with God 2. To be…
Read Morechristian living
Victory Over Failure
God created man with a heritage of success and He will never change His mind. Gen 1:28. Gen 3:1.Satan’s attack was the beginning of man’s failure. John 10:10.Success is of…
Read MoreVictory over Curses and Spells
Man was created with a connection to God and by that connection, He was also connected to the blessing. Prov 10:22.Man was designed to live a fruitful and successful life…
Read MoreYou have been raised by the Resurrection of Jesus
The life we live is a reflection of His resurrection. 1Corintians 6:14, Ephesians 2:5-6, Romans 6:4.HIS RESURRECTION MEANS:1. We are raised2. We are removed WE ARE RAISED:1. From death to…
Read MoreAccused but not Condemned
What is Accusation? 1. A charge for wrong doing2. An allegation to find fault.3. A pronouncement to cast down and bring shame (A pull-him-down syndrome). The spirit behind accusation is…
Read MoreHow to flow in Grace and Blessing
To flow in the blessing of God, I must ask for more of His grace. Ps 84:11. Where the grace of God is at work, the blessings of God are…
Read MoreYou are transformed by the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has the divine duty of transforming people’s life from one level of Glory to Another. Recognise Him as the one that authors transformation Reach out to Him…
Read MoreThe Wonders of Impact and Exploits
To be impactful is to be successful. God turns ordinary men into commanders of exploits. God created man with capacity for impact. All men were endowed with the blessing…
Read MoreThe Virtuous Woman in the Bible
Many people would ask why WordPress is the best content management platform for a blog/site. But there is no need to ask that question because in reality, WordPress is the…
Read MoreWhy Gluttony is a Great Sin
Many people would ask why WordPress is the best content management platform for a blog/site. But there is no need to ask that question because in reality, WordPress is the…
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