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Offer a Willing Service

What it means to be willing:
1. Go along without argument or excuses. Anybody that gives excuses is confirmed an unwilling servant
2. To be happy and cheerful about.
3. To be in agreement with.
4. To be in favour with.
5. To be in the mode for.
6. To be well-disposed towards
7. To be active and passionate.
8. To be intensional
9. To be ever prepared.

The quality of willingness is major condition for service to be accepted by heaven. Exodus 25:1-2; 35:5

In God’s kingdom willingness is superior to skill or capacity. 1 Chronicles 28:9

Always watch out for the resistance of the flesh. Counter negative thoughts with scripture.

Isaiah 1:19. In the Kingdom of God, the willingness with which we act is more important than the action.

1Corinthans 9:17: Willingness comes first before the role that was assigned.
2 Corinthians 8:12. God rates willingness above capacity and skill, but we human beings rate skill above willingness.

1. The Battle of Deborah. Judges 5:2
2. David and Israel giving to build the temple. 1Chronicles 29:5-9, 13-17

1Peter 5:2-3
1. Grow in service till you enter into leadership.
2. Be self-motivated without needing to be motivated.
3. Volunteer to render the service without pay. If you can afford to offer the service without payment, spare the church that burden.

Watch the video below for more details:

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