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You are transformed by the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has the divine duty of transforming people’s life from one level of Glory to Another.

  1. Recognise Him as the one that authors transformation
  2. Reach out to Him and request for constant work in my life

To transform means:

  1. To change character or nature into something else.
  2. To mould, make over and make new

Everyone of us have higher realms of Glory we can access. The assignment of the Holy Ghost is to move in your life, department by department. Ezekiel 37:9-13

Some physical situations require a spiritual turn around first before a physical turn around can be recorded.

When you hear a shepherd become a king, find out what he is doing on the background. Isaiah 32:15.

How does the Holy Ghost transform? Divine transformation is:

  1. Key to glorification
  2. Key to divine intervention
  3. Key to divine supply. God declares the end from the beginning. He won’t give money and tell you what to do with it. He first of all tells you what to do before the money comes. Ps 139:1,7

This anointing births the destruction of satanic yokes and bondages.

Watch the video below for more. 

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