To flow in the blessing of God, I must ask for more of His grace. Ps 84:11. Where the grace of God is at work, the blessings of God are poured out. Ps 45:2.
What is the grace of God:
1. It is the goodness of God. Exodus 33:19
2. The grace of God gives access to the blessings of God
3. The grace of God connects people to the blessings of God. Gen 12:2.
The blessing produces greatness. Num 22:12. The blessing of God is a shield of protection. Ps 5:12. Don’t pray for things pray for grace. James 4:6, John 1:16, Romans 5:17
How does grace deliver blessings:
1. The grace of God in itself is a major blessing from God. Grace and blessing have the attributes. They are both equipment, an empowerment (Acts 4:23, 2 Corinths 9:14-15, Romans 12:3). My grace level determines my exploits level.
2. The grace of God through salvation qualifies us to be sons and heirs of God
3. The grace of God brings us the knowledge of God. The word of God is the word of Grace. Acts 20:32. Our knowledge of God determines our authority command. It determines our access to the almightiness of God. The spirit of God is the spirit of Grace that searches the deep things of God. Knowledge of God through encounters, revelation.
The Benefits of knowledge:
1. Freedom from captivity
2. Strength and power with God
3. Solidity and stability of destiny
4. Flow of Favour. Prov 13:15
5. Fruitfulness and prosperity. Ps 1:3
4. The grace of God empower, enlighten, embolden and energizes us to dismantle all anti-destiny forces.
1. Relationship with God: Have a functional relationship with God
2. Knowledge of God
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